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Ever wanted to play your music to the world? Mola Chill Club is inviting all US and UK based musicians to participate in an audition that could change your life. 


Tag us on your Instagram video where you perform an original song or one that you have written permission to use.  If chosen you will travel on an all expenses paid trip and  perform at our next event in London, Los Angeles, Italy or Southeast Asia and win a £5,000 prize (US$ 7000)


Whether you are a solo, duet, or a group, don’t miss out on this golden opportunity. Online audition ends on the 22nd of March. Make sure that you comply with the Terms & Conditions of the audition.



  • Participants are required to follow @molachillclub Instagram account


  • Participants need to be residents either of the US or UK


  • Participants could be either individuals or in groups


  • The song featured must be your own original song or other artist's song provided you have a written permission from the rights owner


  • Upload the video of your performance on your own Instagram account with the hashtag #MolaChillAudition and mention @molachillclub


  • The recorded video should be done in one take and unedited with a microphone


  • One Instagram account could be used to upload more than one video


  • Prize: performing at one of Mola Chill Club events in front of an audience and win £5,000


  • Deadline to participate 22nd of March,2022 at midnight GMT time


  • Winners will be announced on the 27th of March




Some entries, and keep em coming!

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